Friday, November 27, 2009

Exactly how dense am I?

I go to see my chiropractor the other day (totally awesome doctor, born again Christian) and I wore our brewfest shirt underneath my sweater, which sweater I took off when I had a massage in the office and then went across the hall to his exam rooms. My fellow blogger, ever looked at the back of this shirt, it's priceless please check it out. As he starts to make adjustments, he asks me what the 21st Amendment is. I'm a little confused, but I figure he knows I'm a paralegal and might be able to answer. I'm fumbling in my head for what it is and he says "Brewfest Celebrating the 21st Amendment" and it strikes me that the 21st Amendment is the end of Prohibition. I tell him that and he says oh, and something about the Brewfest. Now I'm really confused because Brewfest is over the summer and I'm pretty sure that this doctor doesn't drink alcohol. I start to wonder if there is a commercial in the music for brewfest but it's Christian music playing so I figured it can't be that. So I ask him what made him think of Brewfest. "Your shirt, it has a couple of huge mugs of beer on the back and says "Celebrating the 21st Amendment." By this time, I'm sitting on the table he uses and he sees "Server" on the front of my shirt and asks me if I served, which of course I did. I start fumbling and turning red and I tell him my friend and I served rootbeer to the kids, as if to make up for this. I also ask him if his religion precludes drinking, which he says no, it's his personal choice because he got involved with youth ministries when he was younger and he didn't want to stumble anyone. As you know, I am also religious, although have no religious prohibition against drinking alcohol and I also don't want to stumble myself onto the ground, but that's pretty much just me. The really cool part is that this doctor is a marathoner, he regularly competes in the country's major marathons and/or Iron Man competitions. Apparently there is something called hash runs, where people get together to run and drink beer. They run a mile, have a beer, run a mile, have a beer and whomever can run the furthest is who wins. That sounds like the perfect exercise for us. The club's tagline: "A drinking club with a running problem."

So I leave this appointment and go to the front desk and I'm actually embarrassed, which is hard to get out of me. I explain what happen to the front desk girls and they are so sympathetic, of course it's not a huge problem but honestly what kind of person wears a brewfest shirt with huge mugs of beer on the back to visit their Christian music listening, born again, non drinking doctor? Particularly me with my religious background. Seriously I do this to myself.

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